In this episode: I'll be brief and to the point. Get your asses over to my website and click on the Easter Seals link to donate. Four people and a dog have sponsored me so far. I need more, more, more sponsors. The rest of the show is a guide from the gilded age to chinese sweat shops. How people can cheat about things like human rights and fair wages. Yesterday is not today. Also, people can cheat about their credentials and still achieve success in their careers despite what the educational merry-go-round tells us. Come to my store and help support The Flatus Show. Tell your friends, this is the new media isn't it?. Place a DONATION to sponsor me for the EASTER SEALS walk. This and more. Please see the links below for topic information.
The Flatus Show 91
The Flatus Show Store
Easter Seals
Stevie Wonder
Marilee Jones
Stephen Foster
Robert Frost
If you want to be part of the show [and Jose would like that] you can reach me at: or call me at (206) 984-3617
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Hilo model # 2656, Tenor Uke! I love this instrument! Click HERE to buy yourself a Ukulele!
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